Fake promise.

₹18.08 L - ₹36.65 L
Possession on: Dec 2018
Status: Ready to Move
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Fake promise.
Apr 28, 2019 01:57 PM 5014 views (via Mobile)
(Updated Sep 02, 2021 12:18 PM)

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1.No water source for occupants

2.Amenities so small and low quality that too placed in OSR(PURAMBOKU) LAND, To create dispute between owners and corporation in future ..

3.Infiltrated their own employees( around 45 apts occupied by them) and certain people to give positive review and also to threaten other co owners

4.Lot of legal disputes, builder abandoned phase 1 residents for asking clarity

5.Car parking , quality of building is horrible lots of cracks, breaks within a year

6.All doors, electrical fittings are of low quality , we may lose our valuable electronic goods

All our hard earned money in soup..

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