Feb 14, 2016 06:51 PM
(via Mobile)
(Updated Feb 14, 2016 06:59 PM)
I was interested in purchasing a black formal shoe for my college use, I hoped into the action showroom at r.s.puram coimbatore.
I was surprised to see there was only one variety of the same, During my earlier grades I remember action being very good with price and collections.
I wouldn't recommend action as
-over hiked price.
-products collection is very less.
-boring designs.
-even in that I dint find my size.bad
-it had a very bad sole, unstuck to its base.
-has no better quality or collection than its rival BATA.
I would recommend to prefer BATA or other of its peers as the collections are far better in comparison to bata.
I previously had BATA shoe which lasted for a longer period and its also resistant to water, dosnt get affected by other seasonal factors,