May 08, 2015 06:14 PM
Aarey lassi just tastes yum. It really quenches the thirst and has good flavours in it. I like chocolate flavour.It is easily available in mumbai even at railway stations also.
Now we are in very hot summer taking all our strength. We will have the summer holidays but can't enjoy our vacations due to summer sun. To protect ourselves from sun we have take some things that help us to face the sun.the one and only one thing that and prevent us is lassi in that the branded one is aarey lassi. It is sold in bottles. It is at a very reasonable price and it is so thicker.
It is quite hygienic and reliable. It gives instant energy. If u try it you won't leave it.guyss just try it and even suggest to your friendz. Lassi that makes the person and the mood cool. It is really worth the money, go for it and enjoy the drink in this hot summer with your favorite flavour.