Nov 05, 2009 08:39 PM
(Updated Nov 05, 2009 08:40 PM)
Khaleid Hosseini is an author who is master in story telling. He gives his readers a possibility to envisage a canvass painted with myriad colors of relationships, fate, hope, disgust, love, war, terror, hate, emotions et al.
KH did manage to capture a lifetime in 367 pages. After reading the novel, one can easily feel as if one has witnessed Mariam's and Laila's lifetime. That along with other characters, appearing not only for helping shape the protagonists's character, but to make their presence.
The Story revolves around two major characters - Mariam & Laila. Both of them have nothing in common but fate. Their destiny holds in for them the same fate. But one of them does show off her humane side and goes beyond God's will to spear their fates into two. Sacrificing with honor is one word for her.
All this while war goes on in the background but we, as readers, never even for a while feel that the novel is about war. It seems like it is a story of these two women. And then towards the end we find ourselves enlightened with the fact that the backdrop of war in Afghanistan has been blended quite well with the story. so much so that it relates to the current terror events of 9\11.
The Authordeserves an applaud for writing this novel. I wonder why this one did not claim any prestigious award. It sure do deserve more accolades. His writing style is best suited for story-telling. The most enchanting part about his writing is the way he writes the deepest of emotion in simple words. Sample this:
"This was a legitimate end to a life of illegitimate beginnings."
My Thoughts:I think that this novel is something which will make sense to every person on this earth - whatever religion\country he belongs to, whatever his type of fiction is, whatever topics interests him. This novel sure do has universal appeal and would be loved by all alike.
"One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs,
Or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls."
For more details about the story, read the novel. You will love every word you would read!