Mar 02, 2018 02:22 PM
(via iOS App)
(Updated Mar 02, 2018 02:26 PM)
This brand sandles are generally good at low price. There are a lot of variety in this brand, only some are of good and gentle to use. Other are like very badly designed and looks very ugly. So it is like choosing a good one out of hundred bad one. Always choose the good one, it takes a lot of time and lots of shop to choose the correct one, but it is okay when you have to go for a low price footware.
Being honest I used my first vkc sandle in my first year of graduation, I took it from the nearby footware shop. At first I felt some pain in my feet while walking, but later on all went good, I was used to it. I choosed this because I thought it looks gentle, and it is. It is durable too amd good to use.
I can say, if you are going for a low price footware, then go for vkc. It is good at this concerned price.