Jun 28, 2021 05:25 PM
(via Mobile)
(Updated Jun 28, 2021 05:32 PM)
TRANSACTREE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is working closely with MouthShut.com to enhance customer satisfaction.
I have invested in lendbox 1 year back. After 10 months around 28k i have got the interest but when i have decided to withdraw some amount, suddenly there is lender defaulted and showing NPA in my wallet. In 1 and half month my more than 40 application to whom i have given the loan of Rs.200 and 500 in small amount as loan they defaulted and5k to 2 people is given thet also defaulted.Suddenly at the time of withdrawal it is not possible all the account in month to whom i have given the loan 1 month back is defaulted. It is not possible in 1 months more 40 accounts will default at a same time. Around 22k is showing NPA in my accounts and 7kas principle stuck with defaulters.I have invested 1 lakhsi and earned 28 k interest but when i am withdrawing the amount more than 22k gone in NPA and 12k is stuck with defaulters ovedue.Now around my 35 k amount is stuck.When i asked about the recovery they giving me the COVID situation reason from last 10 months.Now almost1 years 2 months passed and they are not taking any action and even saying we are not able to recover.Which just 2 month back I reinvested the amount. My relationship manager Aayush and his collegue Vishal agarwal are 2 relationship manager who are now not responding properly.Not taking calls.1 and half month my relationship manager was blocked my number now i have wtitten the emails, whatsapp thereafter they are taking calls.
They dont have recovery team they just dont take the followup . Even it is dont know whether the person who take the loan directly pay the EMI to me or lendbox decide when to pay or not. When to make the default to lenders account and declare the money as a NPA.
I request u please think twicely before investing.See the NPA value in screenshot and now fund stuck is more than 28k.If anyone know how to launch complaint against lendbox please let me know.I dont know how to launch complaint in RBI website.