Lavan Hrad Vidyapith For Boys is my first high school in my life . It is located in a good place Salt Lake, Kolkata 700064 . This school is just beside the main road at A.D block .
For first time I went on this school with my father for admission test . In admission test room our exam guard was Mriganko Sir . He was behave very friendly& gave us all students per head one piece chocolate . So, my first at the school was very good .
As this school located in a good place just beside main road, so communication is very easy& good . Many school buses also available .
In this school there have two attached buildings . At center of each buildings there have pray or play ground . There have also some tree . So, nature is very good .
Some teachers are very good . They teach with friendly, politely with very good description about the subject matter . For this purpose thanks to Bulu Madam(Bengali), Asit Sir(Biology), Ajay Sir(Geography), Ajay Sir(Physics), Bonani Madam(Chemistry) . But, few teachers in this school are not good . Sometime, they misbehave with student, apply bad rule upon students .
Besides school there have a big play ground . Where I can play Football, Cricket, etc . There have also available many trees& play requirements . Inter& intra football& cricket matches also held . After that, prize ceremony also held .
Every year before Durga Puja vacation a Social Function held upto a week. Every student can participate in this program . Students can play various role . Class teacher help us very much about the program .This is a very good point .
For broad exam teachers give us all students very good marks in viva . This is very helpful for us .
So, I have very good experience with this school . So, I highly recommend this school to all boys of salt lake .