Oct 15, 2008 04:10 PM
This is my alma mater..but of all my previous ones this one turned out to be a disaster..i was in the Electrical & electronics Department..Including the lady HOD, there was a bunch nonsense guys there..The HOD ddn't have the basic knowledge of the subjects that she taught nor about how to manage her collogues who were busy in the cat fight most of the time. Few teachers were good. The college altogether had the basic facilities..nothing to boast about..
They were more instrumental in closing the gate down at 8'0 clock rather than inspecting the values they inculcated in the students..The director would appear once in a while least bothered of things happening under her nose..the rest rooms were sparse and kept in a bad shape..the library was good..it had sufficient number of reference books..but the Internet facilities and Project room facilities were too bad..