HP Deskjet 2544 All in One Wireless Printer is one of the best Printer in very low budget.
I brought this printer 9 months ago but still it good working condition. I brought this from online at the price of 4200/-. As compare to this price only canon pixima provide wireless all in one printer. But canon is very costly when it comes to catriage usage. You can print 450 pages with B/W an 150 pages with Colour. As compare to cartriage price with other brands its very good.
Pros :
1) colour print quality is very good.
2) no need to set A4 size paper it properly adjustable.
3) Very easy to install with Win7 and Win8
1) Dont use refilled cartriages it will not give u good quality colour print.
2) Use printer atleast after every 3 days otherwise catriage will dry after unuse of printer for long time.