Dec 11, 2011 11:29 AM
I am writing this review after 3 months of using this beautiful beast... Truly awesome..
I had driven bikes like hero honda passion, pulsar, etc.. but switching over to the bullet was mind blowing. In three months I have done 3, 000 KM in the city traffic of Bangalore, I am getting a constant average of 41 km/liter which I feel is excellent for this category of bike..
I love the seating posture of the bike.. I stand 6 ft tall and the bike's shape is such that, a medium built to well built will be comfortably riding it.. I have several potholes on the way back home on the under-construction new airport road. but the shock absorbers are so smooth that never have I got a back ache.
I have done a top speed of 110 km/hr on the highway and the bike is rock solid... I have a skoda fabia so I feel the same strength and stability on my thunderbird as my car. I start with the self start and never used the kick start (advised by my mechanic) and it starts so quick. Starting and ride is so smooth, you feel on sky. Couple of things to note are that I need to heat the engine for a couple of mins in the morning before I start off to have a smooth ride. I guess it is with all the bullets. Rust is one factor which needs to be taken care of, now there are rust protection liquids to prevent them...
Many people asked me why have a chosen the thunderbird over the classic, my answer is the shape of the vehicle, comfortable city riding and most importantly the rear seat is a luxury, especially for my wife, which clearly wins over the classic...
My friend who got a classic on the same day is getting an average of 35 km/lit, perhaps the build is different and the rear tyres are broad. Classic is awesome looking bike though...
Overall, the thunderbird is a complete package and great value for money.