VBHC has the worst post sales service. The builder has carefully prepared nefarious ways to penalize customers with hefty payment penalty.
The sales team is disconnected from the customer, once an obligatory minimum payment is collected. Documentation is delayed deliberately, phone calls come with standard answer "In Meeting, Will Call Back". The office closes at 5:30 evening sharp, hence if you want to meet them personally, you have to go at office hours, remember sales and marketing team has nothing to do after they collect a minimum sum from you.
The builder is only keen on levying penalty charges from the customer for delayed loans and delayed registration, it is only possible to clear loan and register the property through cash purchase, else the company works out meticulously to delay processing of documents and hence the loan so that they collect the penalty charges for sure.
We have purchased two flats in a span of 45 days and even after great followups and pre-approved home loans we ended up paying penalty. Also the penalty is levied in Lakhs initially like Rs. 172000 and it is hard bargained and negotiated for Rs. 50000/- the happiness or satisfaction of purchase of flat is completely dissolved with VBHC company behavior with its customers.
The company believes strongly that social media reviews and word of mouth criticism of their unethical conduct would not harm any, the middle management claim that the flat purchasers in their company are new to Bangalore and doesn't purchase again, they feel that the references they provide doesn't affect their brand.
This is not unique in my case, it is the same with 4 of my known people who have purchased flats from them, the company has ensured that they have collected a minimum of 50000/- per flat atleast as payment penalty by delaying documentation for home loans.
The management of the company owes an explanation for such unethical and unprofessional practice

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