Vandana Earls court association cancelled!!!

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Vandana Earls court association cancelled!!!
Apr 06, 2022 01:16 PM 2026 views

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The Vandana Earls court association has recently been cancelled by the high court WP no 7193/2021.

We are currently managing to run the show by collecting money in personal accounts and in cash and we are unable to provide proper accounts. This is a very difficult situation for us to be in as its very difficult to manage the vendors and everything else without a proper legal entity!

Also builder is a fraud and has run away without doing any proper handover and left the project mid way leaving us to the mercy of some civic authorities who are taking action on the owners instead of taking action on the builder.

We are informing the public upfront of all these issues . So kindly think twice before renting or buying an apartment from this project!

People can check the WP no in the high court website and download the copy of the judgement if they want to!

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