Opus Highway delay in Completion and Handover

₹1.62 Cr
Possession on: Dec 2019
Status: Ready to Move
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TAMIL NADU (Chennai) India

Opus Highway delay in Completion and Handover
Jul 24, 2021 01:39 PM 1907 views
(Updated Jun 21, 2022 09:39 PM)

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Opus Highway delay in Completion and Handover

Dear All Have been trying to get in touch with all Apartment owners of opus highway to form an association mainly to address concerns over delay in completion, handover, greivances etc.Is their an alterante group or whatssap community for this. Please let me know and add me as well as we really need to straighten things here as I beleive most of the owners are NRIs and except few families who had no other option to move in with partially completed amenities without proper faciliteis as promised and no permanent water connection/power connection etc.As promised to us this was supposedly to be handed over in 2016 and later promised in 2018 early but is never completed till date and is only semi-finished status with last minute overhaul and partially done due to the plight of few owners who had to move in and for conductiing a wedding etc as per updated received on July 2021.In this view we quickly need to joinlty address this to the builders and also to RERA if required as this had been proven effective for other projects which had been delayed which is nearing completion or handed over.Hope this reaches some oft he owners atleast and looking forward to hear from you. Please note my number

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