Extremely Unprofessional and Disrespectful Treat

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Extremely Unprofessional and Disrespectful Treat
9 days ago 177 views (via Mobile)

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I am deeply disappointed with Sowparnika’s complete lack of empathy and professionalism towards its employees. During a time when I was unwell with a fever, I requested a simple ₹10 bottle of water to take my medication, as nearby shops were closed on a Sunday. Instead of receiving even basic support, I was met with shocking indifference and hostility from the project in charge of Rhythm of Rain, who not only refused my request but also used foul language over such a small matter.

This incident highlights a serious issue with the company’s treatment of its employees. If this is how they regard their own staff, I can only imagine the level of care and service they provide to their customers. A company that fails to respect and support its workforce cannot be trusted to deliver quality service to homebuyers.

I strongly advise potential buyers and employees to reconsider their association with Sowparnika. A business that lacks basic human decency and professional ethics is not one worth investing in.

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