Pathetic Sales Agent And Worst Builders

₹1.8 Cr - ₹2.79 Cr
Possession on: Apr 2021
Status: Ready to Move
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Pathetic Sales Agent And Worst Builders
Jan 24, 2021 04:37 PM 14022 views (via Mobile)

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I had visited Sunteck Avenue last year to purchase a flat. Intially the sales agent showed the project details and it was very good. So I agreed to purchase a flat and gave the initial token amount and booked the flat. During my booking I said that my family also wants to visit the flat because they weren't available at that time due to some issues, so I confirmed them twice that if my family is unhappy, is the token amount is refundable. So they eagerly confirmed the same and said that they will refund immediately. After some days, me and wife visited the same but my wife was unhappy due to locatily issues and some other, so we said we don't want to go ahead and we would like to cancel the booking. So they agreed and said they will return the token amount. It has more than one year still I have not received my token amount. Sent multiple mails , also visited the office no help. Also spoke to agent they said we won't help you.Really pathetic service

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Comments on Skystar Sunteck City Avenue 2 - Goregaon West - Mumbai Review

Absolutely unprofessional behavior of staff. Construction quality is good but poor management. Completely agree to this review.

By: AadritaArora | Jan 25, 2021 07:21 PM

You got refund or not? I am going to take legal action to recover my money Rs.30 Lac.
You may contact me xxx-xx-xxx-xx

By: farhabiz2012 | Aug 14, 2021 08:28 PM

Thankyou for sharing with us . Sorry about your experience . What exactly did your wife not like about the locality and apartment please ?

By: srighton | Oct 04, 2021 11:15 AM