I visited the property recently and liked the greenery around but that was just the appearance on the surface, when started scratching it deep found shockingly unmanageable issues with it. Marketing team, as they always do, won't let you feel this but when you talk to the residents and spend time doing some research(visiting the resident's flats, connecting owners online) they will tell you the reality.
Please, note that no flat owner would bad mouth spreading negative sentiments in the market and hurt their investment unless they are totally fxxxx up by the builder and management.
Some of the very obvious issues are:
1) Poor Construction Qualities: You see carefully every corner of the project, you can find engineering faults.
Leakage in basement parking: Well this is not a joke, over the time it is going to be worse, being at lake-bed and in low area, heavy rain in Bangalore the water logging is not only an inconvenience but life-threatening. It causes the building a speedy damage. when I visited, builder was doing repairing work. On asking the residents, they said it was being done after a lot of protests and they do it here and there after every rainy seasons from last few years.
Areas for plantation(ear club, near entry gate, and here and there cause leakages when watered, so they very cunningly water it such a way that plants don't die and leakage is manageable, another resident said, once they would have sold all flats plants are going to die.
2) Poor maintenance: Residents are not paying maintenance fee says the sales office! Now the question comes, why on earth all residents would live in inconvenience? Unless they are completely lost hopes from the services in return to maintenance they would not do so! People showed me issues with their toilets, entry gates not getting fixed after months of request and begging. Someone says after repeated requests they sent a cleaner to fix gate with tools and they worsened it further instead of fixing it. Can you imagine the ethics and sense of responsibility the management has here?
3) BESCOM issue: Years after handing it over owners are paying huge electricity bills to the builder as they are providing electricity from the construction supply line(hugely over charged and unsubsidized), individual flats are not yet given BESCOM connection, and residents see no solution coming in near future as allegedly BESCOM compliance was not being followed, they got clearance of the plan because they probably bribed officials.
4) Sewage: The waste water was to be dumped into the Hose lake but since the builder did not plan for waste-water treatment, authorities do not allow pollute the lake. So all the backside(lake and Jail area corner) flat owners complained regarding rotting smell, due to this waste water logged just outside! Do people pay crores to keep themselves and their children to put into such unhealthy air?
5) Water Supply: Some residents complained about the quality of water supply, they say black and muddy water comes from their tap, complained to authorities but no permanent solution.
6) High voltage power line overhead: Many research shows the impact of EM radiation due to the HV power line, but the nexus between Bangalore authorities and greedy builders are so intense no one cares about the health of tax payers techies!
7) Delayed for misappropriation of funds: The builder(SJR prime corps) was to hand it over in 2012 but several times they halted construction due to lack of funds(they indeed diverted it for another projects in the city) and delayed the delivery many people moved out to another project and still fighting/waiting for the refund(please read complaints online)
So please visit the properties and analyse it critically before you get entangled with these rich goons, you are just a commodity for them. When I visited it, I saw posters by protesting residents put everywhere on the buildings(see attached photographs) that opened mine and many of my friend's eyes. But no doubt the powerful authorities with the help of local police are soon going to take that down and keep trapping innocent buyers.
A middle-class earning people buy flat once in lifetime and if things not go well, which is hilghy probable with this project, you're into deep trouble. So be wary!

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.