Sipani Properties are FRAUDS. DO NOT BUY!

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Sipani Properties are FRAUDS. DO NOT BUY!
6 days ago 136 views
(Updated 4 days ago)

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Sipani builders are scammers doing white-collar crimes. I booked an apartment in Sipani Royal Heritage. Only after the sale agreement and payments I came to know that the same apartment was already sold to someone previously. While I was trying to resolve this issue, they once again sold the same apartment for the third time without even legally cancelling my sale agreement.

It's been nearly 1.5 years and I am still struggling and fighting against them. Sipani Properties’ representatives have tried to intimidate me several times and I’m still facing threats and have many times mentioned that they know influential people and I cannot do anything against them.

Me, being a woman buyer these people are taking advantage and have looted my hard-earned money. It has taken me so many months to write this review as I was scared and still am as to what they might do to me. Even now I am posting this, so that nobody else should get deceived and scammed by Sipani Properties. They are not builders but a bunch of frauds and criminals.

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Comments on Sipani Royal Heritage - Electronic City - Bangalore Review

Have you filed complaint in RERA ?
How did you come to know about the flat being sold to multiple people? During registration process?
How much percent of the flat cost have you transferred the builder as of now ?

Please help this. I was thinking of purchasing here but now I am in doubt.

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By: shanu510 | 5 days ago

Hi Shanu510,

I have been trying to file a FIR in Police Station against Sipani Properties director and staff, but they are not registering it. Sipani Properties are using their influence and have threatened me many times.

I found ou...t about this fraudulent action through my bank at the time of loan disbursement. Sipani's staff did not inform me earlier. I have made a down payment of 30% of the flat cost.

My suggestion to you is, please do not buy from them. I have been posting this genuine review on Google but they keep removing it. Instead they keep posting fake 5 star reviews.

Hope this helps.

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By: Reeysh_04 | 4 days ago