Never fall prey to this crooked & vicious builder

₹40 L - ₹80.8 L
Possession on: Sep 2018
Status: Ready to Move
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Never fall prey to this crooked & vicious builder
Sep 24, 2019 05:42 PM 21629 views (via Mobile)

Customer Service:

Staff Courtesy:

Product Implementation Rate:

  1. Not able to deliver flat by committed time. Nevertheless not willing to compensate.

  2. During booking of flat at site office both their person and their brokerage partner’s person would not disclose every necessary facts and this might lead to imposition of penalty on delayed payment for which customer is hardly liable. Payment schedule mentioned on booking form and on demand letter received after 15 days are different, leading to ambiguity and misguidance by the irresponsible broker person led to suffering penal interest for administrative delay in bank’s loan proceedings and they are reluctant to admit their fault.

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