Unprofessional and Unethical Builder

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Possession on: Mar 2016
Status: Ready to Move
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Unprofessional and Unethical Builder
Feb 09, 2018 11:19 PM 57016 views (via iOS App)
(Updated Feb 18, 2018 11:38 PM)

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One of the most unprofessional builder who does nothing but talk! “Ethics” or “principle” are words never found in their dictionary. Arrogant and mean attitude of especially the CEO towards customers is reflected even in the way site engineers and sales people behave towards customers post registration! their success so far has been only due to bitching about customers to sell their flats to unsuspecting buyers.

google review by this builder is sham. I am personally told by their previous employees who were asked to give 5 star ratings. this is a vicious cycle to attract more unsuspecting customers. please exercise due caution before falling for their cheap and empty promises. speak to owners residing in the premises before investing in any of their projects!

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