At first conversation, renting here seems a good deal. At Rs 20, 000( for <2, 000 sqft size) to Rs. 25, 000( larger apartments) and for the location, not bad maybe. Then you learn of the high maintenance charges( Rs. 2.5/sqft, so Rs. 5, 000/month minimum) . Then you find out the maintenance does not include the high electricity charges( Rs. 6/unit at near industrial rates+ generator backup at Rs 20/unit) because the builder did not install a residential connection. LPG, water charges of 1, 000/month also add up. A nice caste system has also developed in the following hierarchy:
( 1)
Owners: Who want to pass on the cost of buying a high priced, poorly constructed, illegally registered property to tenants. They could have put into FD the amount they paid, and easily made twice the amount they get as rent. But greed follows little logic.
( 2)
Tenants: Who pay the above landlord class for taking on the trouble of now maintaining an apartment they were wise enough not to buy. The maintenance amount is finally only for an absolutely “kaamchor” Ramky team which first tries to pass on the work to other equally kaamchor teams( civil team, external vendor etc etc.) or blames you for creating the problem yourself. And failing that - blame back to you for “not following up enough” after you give up frustrated, by not acting on your complaint for ages! So except for simple leaky taps, fixing lights or jammed doors - don’t expect much to get done.
And thanks to the caste system - if you are an owner you are sometimes listened to. If you are a tenant - everything is your fault in the first place. Here, as a tenant you will be looked down upon.
So leaky roofs, rat infested garbage chutes, rats running around in corridors and making their way into your homes via poorly planned AC/plumbing inlets, parking basement stinking of sewage and arrogant maintenance staff are your daily social life.
Club house you say? Gym equipment is all already broken. In summers swimming pool is closed weeks at a stretch because every owner and his country cousin come soak their cowdung caked feet into the pool, dangerously contaminating the water.
If you are being told of 70% open space - all you get is a thin strip of grass along the compound wall. There are only 2 small play areas for 6 towers of 19 floors. Everywhere else children compete for space with vehicles.
Medical shop? You will be luck if crocin or band aid are in stock., Daycare? 2 dozen kids crammed into small room that also has a toilet and kitchen! . Grocery store and snacks outlet work fairly OK - luckily outsourced to professional outfits as of now.
So yes, if you are in market for a high priced slum, go ahead and rent( or worse, buy) here! If location is important to you, there is Meekashi, NCC Urban, BK Solitaire etc+ new ones coming up in the exact same location as well.

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