Dear New Flat buyers in Radiance / And Already purchased Flat Owners
I recently decided to buy the flat and while searching for the good developers one of my friend suggested to check the Radiance apartments in various places in Chennai.
I visited the Radiance Mandarin & Radiance Royale Apartments.
I took one of my friend who is having the knowledge in the construction field.
While checking the both places he found that the plumbing work carried out by the developers is not at all up to the mark.
My friend checked and says that, Even though the materials used by the developers is market best brands, the way of execution is not in line.
The working way is very horrible. This shows that, there is no skilled engineering team used and skilled labours used, and no quality in place.
Or the project head who takes care this 2 places is not involved much in the quality. By seeing the project condition definitely for the carried out works the contractors may received their payment.
If that is the case the payment passed person is not worried about the quality or no one is questioning him.
By seeing the work quality in the common area the rectification of the defective area is practically not possible.
If the defect is inside the apartment, the particular flat owner will follow with builder and get the work done.
Since the issue is in the common area, even if group of team go and approach the builder, easily the builder will convenience the owners and ensure no additional money and time is spent in the common area work.
Due to that, there will be a frequent water line issue and which will affect our day to day activity(due to break down).
Not only the plumbing issues, any common area issues will not be attended by the any of the builders where they completed the works.
All the above issue is due to no proper supervision, no skilled engineers in the work locations/ no quality control team in the premises.
If at all there is knowledgeable and sincere engineers taken care these works, this much of issues may not arrised.
If the builder is not able to sell the all apartment with in one year from the date of first occupants, all this rework cost needs to be under the builder account only.
Instead of spending money in the rework if they have the right people these issues may not be arrived. The builder also needs to evaluate him self whether there is a technically competence persons available for every work.
Many builders doing this mistake by not employing the right people for the right works. The builders thinking that, they are able to complete the works with less manpower but end of the project by doing the rework the builder is spending the money more than the money which needs to spend as a salary for the technical competence person.
Note: All above observations are only external . I am not aware of the internal work quality.
Any of the occupied customer need to share their views in this forum then all buyers will get some additional information.

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.