No uniform price fixing

₹32.32 L - ₹1.28 Cr
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No uniform price fixing
Jan 20, 2020 06:22 PM 5279 views
(Updated Jan 26, 2020 12:53 AM)

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No fixed price for the same product. Large variation in price fixing.

If you could avoid this Brand. Company is also under heavy debt. Oh God! They are not business oriented.

Specification not matching with advertised by agents. Their website does not have specification.

Not sure you will get good quality product for your money. If you are trapped into.try to console yourself.

If anyone planning their dream home avoid these people. There are many good builders, who stick to their promises. These people charging legal charges to create illegal, illegitimate documents. After 31 March 2019, the GST charges announced by the government is 4%, but for Puravankara it is 12% still. But in the agreement the base price includes GST(no mention about percentage) just imagine how much they cheat you and the government.

Avoid! Avoid! Avoid! Puravankara in your life

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Comments on Puravankara Windermere - Pallikaranai - Chennai Review

Exactly they are irritating me and too much greedy , not providing proper information . I am just negotiating but i see i am facing exact same issue you mentioned in the comment .

By: vijayramac | Oct 21, 2020 11:44 PM