Misled & Betryed.

₹1.12 Cr - ₹3.14 Cr
Possession on: May 2017
Status: Ready to Move
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Misled & Betryed.
May 22, 2018 09:11 PM 15891 views (via Mobile)

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Paradise group a reputed builder in Navi Mumbai but they have 50-50 deal with land owners of their project. i.e. they give 50% flats to old land owners& 50% to other buyers. There is total mismatch of type, class, community and leaving standards of this 50-50 devide. You feel frustrated and entirely betrayed by the builder on this account as they never let u know this to u till the time the flat is registered by you.

You never buy a flat in such an expensive nice project to share it with people who are not your type and much below the standards you have of yours and you ever expected in your Expensive Building built by a reputed builder.

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