• As per report World Health Organization, Zee News, Google people staying in Near Highway touch residentialproject, will be effected directly or indirectly higher pollution & It May reduced 3 to 10 Years of their Life Span.
• Noise Pollution, Sound Level meter, Traffic volume, vehicular traffic noise, prediction model.
• Because of dust pollution it will affect at your home accessories.
• Maintenance is very high due to the dust pollution and others.
• High tension wire goes to this project.
• Highly polluted river it may faces lots of issue like bad smell insecticide; and it may cause sick like Dengue, malaria and many more. During rainy seasons may cause floods within the project.
• Near graveyard.
• Highway touch project will have problem in health effects of traffic pollution air pollution causes asthma attacks in children, and may cause a wide range of other effects including: the onset of childhood asthma, impaired lung function, premature death and death from cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular morbidity. Adults living closer to the road—within 300 meters—may risk dementia.
• Noise pollution. Constantly, even at late hours, major highways have heavy truck traffic. Controls such as trees and sound walls can only partially mitigate the noise, or perhaps redirect it. It is also possible to build in sound-proofing with good insulation and double-paned windows, but opening the windows for ventilation instantly negates any such improvements. Most of it is white noise, meaning some may be able to "get used to it", but some freeway noise can be very loud. I used to live by a freeway off-ramp, and trucks would come slamming down it using their jake brakes(engine braking), which makes a loud bang-bang-bang sound. Noise pollution, in turn, may result in less restful sleep or interrupt concentration or studying.
• Air pollution. I'm sure the traffic on all highways and freeways contributes to air pollution in general, but living in proximity to the source might mean being exposed to a continual and higher concentration of it, especially depending on wind and weather conditions. This may have particular effects on children, not only in the usual symptoms of exposure to air pollution(e.g. asthma), but may affect their overall lung development, as well: Living Near A Highway Affects Lung Development In Children, Study Shows

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