Booked a flat with merlin in their property MERLJN ILAND, 209 PICNIC GARDEN ROAD, in 2017 thinking about their repute and beliving their brouchera and walkthrough videos that theu will deliver what they promised. Got the posession this year.
Really sad that just like any small time builders they turning a blind eye to the problems of our apartment after they have received their full payments.
Many issues still pending
Majorly encrochment of the only entrance of the building buy hawkers and buses parked.
Ameneties provided not even remotely closed to what were promised. And they getting that off their shoulders thag ghe amenetis shown in broucher or walkthrough videos were mere " ARTISTIC IMPRESSIONS".
I suggest anyone intrested in buying a merlin property to carefully check their agreement and see if the promised ameneties are mentioned or not.
They wernt even providing any indoor games room but finally gave in after a lot of coaxing. The size of the swimming pool provided isnt even half the size promised. Moreover lack of security personnels sleeping or missing frm their desk and cctv coverage.
Landscaping not even close to the so called artistic impression.
Building already developing cracks and they doing patchup paint works.
And on top of it even after repeated attems the owner remains unreachable even to hear the greviances of thier customers.
Attaching pics for every1s perusal
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