Poor management

₹47.45 L - ₹77.77 L
Possession on: Dec 2017
Status: Ready to Move
Marathon Nexzone - Panvel - Navi Mumbai Image
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Poor management
Jul 21, 2021 11:41 AM 10153 views

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Whoever is planning to purchase a flat at Marathon Nexzone, please don’t forget to ask the below questions.

1.When will they form society? What is the current status of society formation on the existing societies? As per RERA regulation, they are supposed to form society as soon as 51% of flats are booked(please note, not even completion). But out of 7 blocks where possession started before 2 years, till now, only for 2 blocks they have formed societies(that too after a lot of follow-ups and people standing at their sales office). The rest of the blocks are in no mood to start the society as the builder is enjoying the deposit as well as the maintenance charges interest.

2.They have a namesake facility team that never bothers or is aware of what exactly is happening in and around the building.

3.Power problem. Sometimes, a nearby village is having better power than the building. Without an inverter, one can not survive. While purchasing, the builder may promise you that the electrical substation is in pipeline and Marathon is following up, etc. Believe me, all are promises and are not going to happen in near future.

4.Ask them to take a walkthrough of the car parking(Ground / B1 / B2). Sales guys will try to divert you from that but insist on this. Ask them how two cars will fit in single-car parking(even though it is stacked parking). If you have a big car, either you have to sell the car or sell the house). Have a look at the quality of rusted iron rods. Residents have to pay 400 a month for "maintenance that is not happening".

5.While in car parking ask about the open pipes without outlets for wastewater/rainy water. You can have a really fun time. The answers will be this is for car cleaning water etc., At B2, this pipe abruptly stops and it is open from there. Meaning, if you have car parking at B2, to go to your car you have to walk in the wastewater of ground and B1.

6.Visit the car parking during the rainy season. Ask questions like, why the water in B2 or B1 car parking where water cannot enter as per design. Surprisingly, you will find water everywhere and crazy answers. You will really have fun listening to the answers from BE-type people.

7.Once your flat is sold out, only the facility team will be there and they have no idea about anything.

8.Remember until society is formed, maintenance charges will be added with 1500/- per month as GST. This will not be shown anywhere in your agreement. As a result, you will pay around 7500 per month for a rental value of Rs.10,000/-.

9.Don't agree to the clubhouse. Maybe, your great-granddaughter/son may use it. They have plans of taking the deposit amount and one-year charges now but are not in a mood to start the clubhouse at least for the next 10 years.

10.All amenities will be started only when Antilia-2 will be completed. Antilia-2 is between the 25th - 33rd floor. Status of this building? They are putting concrete for B2. You can visualize when you can be swimming in the Marathon swimming pool.

11.For society formation, they have answers related to Covid. But for sending maintenance bills there is no such relaxation for Marathon staff.

Quality of building is good, surrounding is good, but management, quality of waster water pipes and responsiveness is pathetic.

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can you please reach me via whatsapp. My moblie number is +1-832 266 7882

By: rubinabhowmik | Oct 03, 2021 12:09 PM