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₹27.9 L - ₹60.4 L
Possession on: Dec 2018
Status: Ready to Move
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Choose ready to movein
Dec 23, 2020 11:03 AM 25989 views (via Mobile)
(Updated 12 days ago)

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......Never induct pre emi scheme butready to move in....In Pre-Emi scheme will pay initially , 2. later they will ask u to pay nthey will refund within a month n 3.finally they don't pay refund for months ......some are lucky to get apartment before step 3.....the wait n follow up are too much and taxing..

I purchased apartment Ranches, hosa road in 2019 and but still waiting for covered car parking allotment and there are many present issues

  1. OC not obtained

  2. Serious water scarcity

  3. Association not formed

  4. Poor amenities

  5. Stray dog menance

  6. Poor maintenance - swimming, lift, security

  7. Maintenance fee inclusive of GST

  8. They charge separately water tanker, swimming pool maintenance in addition to maintenance fees

  9. No transparency in maintenance account

  10. Garbage spilled every where

  11. security cabins are shabby n dirty

  12. Security let's in everyone inside Ranches without checking n all nearby people use Ranches for playground n Beer party with absolutely no control...

Pls see the Ranches site, talk to residents n decide's not worth spending lakhs of rupees in living hell kind of environment... Maintenance is absolutely zero...

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