Urban Greens - Loharuka and BaghBaan developers

₹38.2 L - ₹78.4 L
Possession on: Dec 2019
Status: Ready to Move
Loharuka Urban Greens - Rajarhat - Kolkata Image
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Urban Greens - Loharuka and BaghBaan developers
May 04, 2019 01:10 AM 7892 views

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#loharukagroup, #baghbaandevelopers, #bewarebuyers, #urbangreens, #fakepromises, #urbangreensreview

Beware before buying property at Urban Greens, Chinar park. Loharuka and Baghban group makes fake promises. If they say amenities delivery will be in phase IIB, it means they are cheating you in the same way as they cheated me and 200 other buyers of phase I.

When I booked flat at Urban Greens in 2012, they promised to deliver with amenities. However, in registry paper, they played the game and written it to deliver in phase II. They took a hefty amount of club facilities in 2012. They kept us waiting for 7 years but not delivered club facilities.

They are playing the same game with phase II buyers. In their brochure, they shifted amenities delivery to phase IIB. Moreover, in their brochure, they did not mention all the amenities.

Buyers, please don't let them cheats you.

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