I have deposited booking amount for purchase of property at Lodha- Amara, # Wing 18, residence no 1802 on May 27, 2018.
Due to some personal circumstances I called up sale guys with 2-3 days of booking and requested not to process my application and refund me my booking amount and they confirmed they will help me out.
However since last 2 years I am suffering and they stopped receiving calls and their mail gets bounce.
I tried to get help with customer care representative also but they say they cant help as application is not processed(CRN not generated) so sales team will look after. What customer has to do with whether CRN generated or not, I only want solution but nobody helping out. How Lodha group cankeep my money if same unit is sold to some other person?
Also while discussion this matter with friends, I came to know about some quality issue of builder which was discussed in detail with sale officials before booking but they confirmed that this property of Lodha is not like their earlier project at Palava etc, however one of their internal team member only confirmed about poor quality material used.
At time of request for cancellation I was committed to come back once my problem resolved but looking at such behavior and wrong commitments, I advise nobody should deal with this group.Even if want ask for their policy and keep everything in writing as they can foot back any time.
Attach is application form confirming deposit amount, fake commitments and mail correspondence clearly describing how group behaves with its customers after taking your hard earned money.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.