I'm a 100% dissatisfied customer and majority of KG flat owners are disappointed and helpless because they didn't get what they expected as basics and also don't even get buy price equivalent to what they have bought in 2010-2012.
I booked a flat 3bhk in phase 2 on the first day of booking in jan 2013. 3 years was their scheduled handover but got in Sep 2018.
That's fine but whatever the model house was shown during our booking at phase 1 is no where close to my flat at phase 2.
Floor to ceiling height reduced by 1ft.
No window or balcony for a corner flat but that charge premium 500 per sqft extra.
Fire water lines open in all hall and rooms.
No grills in Windows for high rise building.
No tiling on walls in Entrance and corridor.
No proper entry exit ways for 750 flats.
All the above were standard in phase 1 and by showing that, KG attracted many and now that say, don't compare with phase 1. In fact, we have paid more than phase 1 prices but got very shite work and responses from builder.
I lost my mind fighting for justice with these people and so sold off my flat immediately after my possession.
Walk in KG signature City and you will feel that Buildings have emerged out of car parking, where as they advertised as 70% open space. Speak to any owner before any buy decisions.
All living here got adapted and are trying to forget the bitter experiences everyday, because of our poor consumer support in our country.

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.