I am an owner in Nimbus Block of HM World City. I see some of folks recommending HM Indigo or HM World City.
The recommendation by some of the sales Guys are amazing and seem that there is no other property better than HM Indigo /HM world city
Let me state some facts
HM World City/HM Indigo is in a quite location away and has spacious Flats. The prices are low, much lower than guidance values. Builder will promise host of amenities promised along with celebrity features. Please see how many amenities are provided in reality
If You wish to Buy this property please go through these considerations •
•Project has started in 2004 and yet after 12 years 50% of project is not complete till 2016. Amenities like club house, Tennis court, Multiplex will come only when 80% of project is complete. Builder will collect money for club house and other amenities upfront. If you are OK to give money to Builder upfront and wait for 10-15 years for facilities to materialize then please Buy HM Indigo.
•Builder has encroached on a storm water Drain by building STP on it. Considering the recent NGT orders on Storm water drains, if you are OK buy in spite of these violation go ahead and buy. Wishing you all the Best.
•Even today Khata transfer is not done. Builder will say he will do it after project completes, which means another 10-15 Years. If you want to buy apartment and live without Khata for next 10-15 Years Please buy
•Electricity bill is still not transferred in my name after 4 years. In fact I asked few folks in phase 1 and for them even after 8 years electricity bill is in name of Global Associates. If you do not care about electricity bill being in you name for 8-10 years, please buy in HM Indigo
•Builder has not given corpus in any of the complexes so far be it HM tambourine / HM Symphony. He has yet to handover corpus for Blocks of Nimbus/Sepia. If you are OK to give corpus to builder and do not care about builder returning back to Association, Please invest you money in HM Indigo
•As builder does not give corpus back one has to start sinking fund collection again to manage capital expenses. Builder does not maintain Fire system or even handover Fire Nozzles back to you. This means you have to incur large capital expenditure.
•I have bought in Nimbus and I took possession in 2012. Till 2016 so no OC has been obtained. Builder is not committing to a date nor is he giving reasons for not having an OC. If you are OK to buy an apartment where you will not get OC for some years(one can guess Numbers) please buy.
•Builder will provide celebrity features at an additional cost. If you are OK with celebrity features when some of amenities like club house etc. are not provided in spite of collecting money. Please go ahead and invest your hard earned money
•Builder has encroached on a storm water Drain by building STP on it. Considering the recent NGT orders on Storm water drains, if you are OK buy in spite of these violation go ahead and buy. Wishing you all the Best.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.