Fraudulent builder

₹42.31 L - ₹58.5 L
Status: Under Construction
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Fraudulent builder
Apr 24, 2021 10:31 PM 3792 views (via Mobile)

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Investing in HiLife Greens is one costly mistake for lifetime.

ZERO rated builder and property.

Note: this is not just my statement - ask any customer who purchased flat from them. Everyone has a story to say about their bad experiences with builder.

Builder is #1 fraud and #1 cheater, to name a few in that category-

  1. They made double registrations for about 50 flats. This one I guess the entire world know by now with the investor posted the review in mouthshut in June 2020. Also they mortgaged flats to multiple investors and financial institutions.

  2. They stopped construction progress even before covid-19 was first found in china. Nov 2019.

  3. Latest news- we got to know that they are going to construct row houses / villas in the place of amenities without any consent from customers. In short, they are not going to give amenities that they have promised and advertised in brochure at the time of booking.

  4. They are sick people and they never stick to their promises. They don't give a damn about customers who paid >80% already paying EMI and rent every month.

  5. Neighbouring Triflora apartment is from same HiLife builder. Owners are suffering from Mortgage issues still.

Positive and 5 star rating given here are by builder chamchas and ex-labour and ex-marketing staff only.

Such a low life builder he will face the karma.

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Comments on Hilife Greens - Gunjur - Bangalore Review

The construction quality is very poor. Big cracks in the house walls, boundary walls and floors. Painting work quality is very bad. Electrical wiring not completed in the switch boards.

By: RiyaPari | Apr 26, 2021 10:17 PM