Booked a Flat in Godrej City woods, Panvel Proje.

₹79.8 L - ₹98.8 L
Possession on: Dec 2021
Status: Ready to Move
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Booked a Flat in Godrej City woods, Panvel Proje.
Apr 15, 2023 04:43 PM 5207 views (via Mobile)
(Updated May 27, 2023 11:03 AM)

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At the outset I would ask all prospective buyers to not trust the brand blindly. The second most important point is to connect with current buyers who have got their flats in Godrej Woods and take a feedback before buying in Highlands or any of their other projects in this locality. You won't be given time to read the agreement, you see it at the registration office and are supposed to read and sign in the available few mins an 100 plus page document standing at the registrar office. So ask for it in advance. There is lot of gap between sales promises and delivered Flat. Insufficient Parking space, promises were sufficient open parking for all to be allocated by society. Construction is substandard with poor workmanship. The buildings don't have an entrance lobby except for 1 or 2 buildings. The tiles are misaligned, The kitchen platform has gas connection on right side but the only exhaust provision is on left side, the list is long with issues of leakages reported from new flats. Bottomline do not trust the marketing and brands promises which we did. Check ot the completed flats in Godrej Woods and meet few residents there for a first hand view. You will realise the big promises and quality is only on the marketing videos and reality is far from it.staff courtesy is good during sales after that you will realise that response to mails also need multiple reminders and phone calls. Beware it's a trap.

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