Summary of what is shared in
Ceiling height is better
Decent open space
Good social life
- Summary - Things that come to mind while thinking of ICON and its developer(can prove w/ specifics too):
a. Poor quality of construction, expensive maintenance
b. Worst/hideous CRM team
c. Absolutely not trustworthy and not transparent, non-committal
d. Bully/harass customers
e. Inefficient, incompetent - Developer as well as their facilities management(FM) team that manages the property
f. Not value for money
g. Absolutely no relation w/ integrity(Developer boasts about it)
h. Blame customers for poor quality of product/services provided by developer/FM
- Specifics - Issues that were faced by residents in last few years:
A. Legal, registration
a. Area of land mentioned in sale agreement, deed of owners of different blocks is varying.
b. Few who bought from investors were bullied by having them pay extra amount whereas few got away
c. Very high cost of registration, khata transfer
d. Residents can't take over property maintenance by forming association. Developer has kept the right to maintain property through its own property management company
B. Security
a. Hired again an agency which was removed earlier when one of its guard found guilty of attempt of child molestation
b. Security head had so many issues - abusive language, misbehavior w/ lady guard. Unfortunately, he is still in ICON
C. STP, water
a. STP didn't work for long time. Filthy water was supplied
b. Swapped STP water to wash-basin - can u imagine putting such water in your mouth?
c. So many pipe bursts, outages
d. Poor design - BWSSB supplies thru 6" pipe but ICON has 4"/3" pipes. So even if there is enough water supply from BWSSB, ICON buys tanker water due to which maintenance cost has increased
D. Electrical
a. Poor quality of switches, make noise, had to change some of them in few months of usage. Switches had caught fire in one of the apartments
b. Exhaust fans caught fire
c. Recently there was fire incident in common area of one of the towers due to electrical short-circuit
d. Too much of power fluctuation damaging devices inside few houses
E. Internet
a. Developer didn’t allow vendors other that its choice to provide service
b. Frequent outages, drop in speed
F. Piped gas
a. LPG equivalent of a regular cylinder used to get over in just 15 days. Residents have to prove how it’s not equivalent and hence rationalize the cost
b. FM blames interior designer/residents for breaking gas pipeline though issue was w/ the pipeline installed originally
G. Facility management(FM)/maintenance
a. Very high maintenance rate – 4.75 psft as of now even w/o club-house and other amenities
b. Worst ever. Inefficient
c. PM(project manager) has no sense of basic finance, how to manage property. He agrees to the things during meetings w/ residents and later disagrees. This kind of attitude runs from the top. Residents have faced such issues w/ developer’s CEO too.
d. FM puts no effort to reduce the cost, increase efficiency. Increased maintenance rate from 3.54 to 4.75 i.e.~30% increase in a year
e. There are incidences when residents got few things done at a cost 10 times lesser that what FM proposed
G. Quality of fixtures/fittings, materials used inside house, common issues
a. Many replaced health faucets, door locks within few months of occupation
b. Incorrect slopes in balcony - damaged wooden flooring in bedroom due to water seepage
c. Walls are very weak
d. Menace of mosquitoes, snakes, monkeys. Foul smell of drainage at times
e. Basements collect lot of water when it rains. Lot of dust in them
f. Developer doesn’t allow external agency to inspect apartment before hand-over
g. Few faced issues of inadequate size of car parking lot
- Advice to new homebuyers:
A. Talk to the residents before investing hard-earned money
B. Home in ICON is appearing like a white elephant. Maintenance cost is drilling bigger n bigger hole every year passing by

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.