Worst place I ever lived

₹30.6 L - ₹42.6 L
Possession on: May 2016
Status: Ready to Move
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Worst place I ever lived
Oct 26, 2024 07:11 PM 3103 views

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Please don’t choose this Apartment.

The hygiene is zero here and you will need to face lot of issues. Construction is very poor.House owners cover it up with patch works but eventually you will start seeing the issues. People feed pigeons in the terrace daily so you will have to face all the skin issues and respiratory issues that pigeons cause. Due to this reason we were not even feeling like drying our clothes in terrace

There will be 100s of pigeons sitting on your cloths and shitting. The pigeon feeding doesnt stop there. If we walk down in the basement people throw rice to pigeons sitting on the ground so you will get free rice shower everyday

My husband was going for a walk one day and someone spitted from first floor.

I dont know how come an apartment gets majority of such residents who has zero manners

And the association is dummy here . There is one electrician they have appointed. His attitude is like he is the land owner.He never comes on time and acts rude.

Children’s play area is pathetic. Most of the items are broken for years and they cant spend such small amounts for repair.

Why I spend my time to put a detailed review is:

You will find this issues only after you go there . The low rent and that area attracts people. But living there is a headache. We left that place within an year. If you have kids, they will definitely get sick if you live like a unhygienic place .

If you spend some more time and search, you will definitely find another good one

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