Never though would be putting something lke this.
The Project is good, but the management is very unresponsive. Its almost more than 2 years, that we have booked the flat, were told will be handed over in a year or max 1.5 years, but still we are not sure as to by when would we get the possession. Almost all the works are over, except for the main works of Fitting like Bathroom, Commade and Kitchen platforms.
The workers at the site are bad, the best part is any interior works you cant get it done from outside and will have to be got done from there interior peoples. Initially all goody-dodgy talks were there, but as soon as you pay all the money, you start feeling the heat.
Had to get a part of the hall stone cladding done by them, for which was told to pay some additional charges, though wanted to get it done form outside, but as per their policy you cant get it done from outside. Now the problems:
Had handed over the costly stones at the site office, which after rigorous followup up for 6 months, was done in a very shabby and unprofessional way, as informed by the worker over there the stones received by them was all broken up. Now nothing much to say. The Grill of the windows are all put on, as if by a lay man, bend to one side, after so many mails and calls, Bedroom and Hall changed, but the kitchen is til tilted to once side, the site engineer, either says need from the HO, which is almost 45 kilometres from the site, so to get a work done, you have to visit there., if some modifications or Interiors to be be done. The other best part is the Modification personals and the site engineering keep on changing.
The Cost for interiors is also very expensive, compared to the market, but you are forced to get this done, from them. That that you have to totally rely on the Whtsup and mail images. Dont know whether
Now the best part even after paying the entire amount, am paying the monthly installments along with Rent, for almost more that a year now.
At the time of booking was told we would be given parking lot as per our requirements, now when am asking to be allotted some other place apart from the one I had been given, they are not giving any heed to my cries.
Has paid for an UPVC covering for the Utility area but almost a year now, that is also not done.
The best part, you cant go any higher, you have to keep on banging your heads to few set of peoples down the line.
Now with the pandemic of Covid 19 in, afraid how long will have to go on with the EMIs and Rent Together.
All the claims of them, of delivering before time is bogus, caused at the agreement they put you into a trap, where you all be on the other side, you cant go out.

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.