Central park flower valley is big cheater

₹57.19 L - ₹64.1 L
Possession on: Dec 2020
Status: Ready to Move
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Central park flower valley is big cheater
Aug 28, 2021 07:13 PM 8631 views (via Mobile)

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Critical: Professionalism, Responsiveness

Central Park is one of the biggest cheater...always gives wrong commitment to customer..never disclose customer important things..in my case subvention plan given wrong commitment that pament will pay by builder till possesion , possesion date commited yr july 2023 and they have contract with bank only till july 2021. Now CP giving option that they will pay loan interest EMI amout in customer bank account instead of giving directly to bank, now the things is how customer will manage Income tax slab if all transation will go thorough my account.

In 2020 they made big cheating in our agreement ..changed flat size without any notice and possesion date changed from July 2021 to July 2023.

When we went in Sohna court for agreement , we found some pages was replaced by CP where we made our sign and new pages added.They are big cheater.

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