Sub-standard build and terrible customer service

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Sub-standard build and terrible customer service
Sep 30, 2022 08:28 AM 26703 views (via Mobile)

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I have an apartment in Brigade Orchards, north Bangalore. The builder made a mistake in the outlet pipe diameter in the kitchen, with the result that the water from the sink and the washing machine flood back into the kitchen. They have agreed to fix it, but ask us to arrange for the kitchen woodwork to be removed by ourselves. They are still building in Orchards and have teams there, but won’t lift a finger to get the modular woodwork removed and replaced as part of the repair they need to do of their own shoddy work.

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Comments on Brigade Orchards Aspen Block - Devanahalli - Bangalore Review

Hi Radhika, we have bought a property at orchards and have been facing too many issues with the team. We have been trying to connect with a resident the to understand more about the property and brigade. Can we connect?

By: naz_dxy | Jan 09, 2023 08:35 AM