Cheap Quality High Headed Cheater Management

₹35.4 L - ₹1.32 Cr
Status: Ready to Move
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Cheap Quality High Headed Cheater Management
Oct 24, 2018 07:21 PM 8473 views

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I purchased flat in Nikoo 1 and possession is delayed by more than 13 months.

If delay was not enough, they offer you flat in poor quality and many things are incomplete.CRM only knows to send demand note and dont check quality before offering to customer

Poor Quality - Tile Laying is pathetic - Hollowness, Skirting is done very badly, Water Seepage, Scratches on doors, glass windows

Clubhouse equipment are of very shoddy quality and very less in quantity, Still many things are incomplete though clubhouse is said functional

No Water Borewells, still no residential connection, Frequent power cuts, They charge over and above maintenance cost for DG power backup - No chance is left out to cheat customers

It is a third class builder who just knows Marketing and extracting money from customers

They also file legal cases if you raise your voice


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