Fraud Builder

₹44.4 L - ₹59.6 L
Possession on: Oct 2016
Status: Ready to Move
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Fraud Builder
Feb 24, 2020 05:57 AM 5346 views (via Mobile)

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Facts one must know about Amigo Shelters and Amigo Staff.

  1. Fraud Builder

  2. Non courteous Staff

  3. None of the Amigo Shelters Projects

obtained OC.

  1. Marketing personnel sale Apartments by giving false promises.

  2. Please check all the documents before investing with the builders.

  3. Hold some amount say 10 lakhs until builder provide all the documents related to purchase and verify all the documents approved by authorities. RTI is one such way.

  4. Amigo Lakeviewone such project where Hamzasold the flats mentioning OC obtained whereas There is no OC Occupancy Certificate till date.

  5. Amigo Estillaa new project, verify documents before investing. Builder is new in construction line with no experience of construction and maintaining the apartment.

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Comments on Amigo Lake View - Jakkur - Bangalore Review

Hello just i saw yoere review, thanks for sending the reviews as iam was to take flat in the new project, but look good what you saying sir ???
Please help me buying this house

By: lohithdvg5 | Feb 24, 2020 05:56 PM

Dont ever buy in any Amigo group very bad construction quality

By: sanghi.girish | Mar 04, 2020 10:14 AM