Too much expensive ??

₹32.1 L - ₹1.21 Cr
Possession on: Feb 2016
Status: Ready to Move
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Too much expensive ??
Jul 05, 2019 11:23 PM 10513 views (via Mobile)

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It is safe and have all moderen amenities and beautifully designed. But too much expensive. Electricity bill reaches too 16.00 RS per unit if you consumes more than 600 units in a month even more. In raining season they increase unit price for electricity. Currently they are charging 5.43 for 100 units which will last in first 5 to 6 days.After that they start charging more than 10.25 RS. They are taking 250 as MCD charges for electricity even through you don't consume single unit. Water charge are not part of yearly maintenance which is around 36500 for 1000 per square feet house.

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