Society management or scam - Adani Pratham

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Society management or scam - Adani Pratham
May 29, 2019 09:38 AM 7310 views
(Updated May 30, 2019 10:41 AM)

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There are total 800 units. Developer collected advance CAM along with security deposit from all members. Developer [Adani Infrastructure And Developers Pvt Ltd ] continued their corrupt and substandard society management illegally without submitting any sort of income-expenditure statement to members for almost four years. Booking of Pratham started around last quarter of 2012. Initially I booked unit, through their executive Mr Mehul Joshi in block E1. As their demands were not on schedule and as Mr Joshi failed to disclose reasons for delay, I needed to investigate matter through government officials. I could come to know that sold flat belonged to land for which they were yet to obtain NA certificate. As it was illegal, I needed to involve CERC and discuss further with their higher officials. Finally they needed to offer me alternate unit, but I paid higher price for that. At the time of possession(Mar'15), members paid advance two years common area maintenance along with security deposit to society. But they could start their society management service in Jun'15. They continued their substandard services of society management for few more years. As they were not submitting audited financials of society account and neither intending to handover society management, members opposed the same. They continued their corrupt management till Dec'18 and finally handed over without submitting legally required society management documents. During that tenure so many cases of theft, misconduct etc. reported against workers appointed by them. There isn't sufficient green cover around/inside society and they continue their anti-environmentalism approach. Internal walls are brown colored as their staff chew and spit tobacco here & there. Security cabins are used as storage space and guards illegally occupies parking space. Developer [AIDPL] and society [Sursuta Co.Operative Housing Society ltd vibhag-7] failed to comply with RERA guidelines.




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