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Zoya - Danielle Steel Reviews

Zoya book by Danielle Steel
Aug 07, 2023 04:49 PM310 Views

Against the backdrop of the Russian Revolution and World War I Europe, Zoya, young cousin to the Tsar, flees St. Petersburg to Paris to find safety.

Makati Philippines
Life's Journey
Jan 08, 2007 01:21 AM7699 Views

Reading Zoya makes one appreaciate life and live to it day by day. We no longer have to dwell much on the past and worry on what the future may bring. It is the reality that in just a snap your world may turn upside down. What we have today is enough to make us happy; to express our love to others and be a significant part of other people's lives in any way we can.

Whatever Zoya had been through, despite all the odds and tribulations.she is always willing to fight back for the people she loves. Never that she was ashamed of becoming a Chorus Girl.she did everything for her children.And during her bad times it did not occur to her to look for someone financially stable to feed them. She did it all her way.

She's  the epitomy of a real woman.

Danielle Steel is the best! I like her narrations, her style and the choice of words are subtle yet are moving.even in your sleep you will think of Zoya.

I hope she enjoyed her trip with Zoe back to St. Petersburgh.

england england
Zoya is quite a good story to read
Dec 15, 2006 01:08 AM8099 Views

Zoya is quite a good story.

It is about zoya who is 17 years old who is in a royal family in russia. One night there is revolution which kills all of her family. Only zoya and her grandmother escape from russia. At first they stay at her grandmothers cousins who is the tsar of russia and zoya's best friend was marie his daughter. The tsar is not alload to leave from rusia and later on in the book him and his family are killed. zoya and her grandmother leave for paris where everybody that has escaped russia have gone. in paris everyone is ver poor and have no money so zoya's grandmother has to sell all her jewles and everything for money but they don't get much money for them. while they are in paris zoya joins the ballet and she meets a man called clayton. clayton is in the army and he is amercian from new york. zoya's grandmother doesn't like clayton very much and ends up splitting them up. but when her grandmother dies clayton comes back and they get married. zoya moves from paris to live in new york with clayton and then she is very rich again and has two children called nicholas and sasha. clayton dies of a heart attack and leaves his children and zoya with nothing so they have no money anymore and they have to move out of there home and buy a horrible flat somewhere in new york. zoya goes to dance for her job but one night there is a fire and she realises she doesn't want to leave her children alone again after they were left in the fire, so zoya gets a new job in a clothes shop and goes back to paris on a trip for her job where she meets simon. zoyan and simon get married and they open up a shop of there own and zoya has another baby called matthew. simone dies because he goes in to the war and then sasha also dies in an accident after having a child. zoya has to bring her grandaughter up and then at the end her son has a child called zoe aswell and they both decide to go back to russia. this book does go on for a long time and it is all about zoya's life from russia to paris and then new york. this book is quite good and so is the film.


Zoya - Danielle Steel
Oct 18, 2005 04:21 PM7121 Views

I have read Danielle Steel's book of Zoya many times. I have seen the movie with Melissa Gilbert and I felt in love with the movie and later on the book. I have got both the Norwegian and the English book. but I miss the DVD/VHS. Danielle steel has captured the Essenes of both the Revelation and the life of Zoya so perfect. that it is easy to live in the life of her and the rest of the family. Danielle Steel mayde me intressted in the Tsar famaly and the life that they lived. It was so glittering. and the change from the life that Zoya lived in St. Petersburg to the life that she and her grandmother lived in paris, and finaly the life that she lives in New York was so detaled that it made me feel that it was me who moved to these places. I do not know how many times I have read the books but everytime I have read them they moved me to tears.

Intense tragedy in backdrop of war
Feb 04, 2005 07:00 PM11045 Views

Zoya is an exciting book written by Danielle Steel.

Historic Background:

Bolshevik Revolution, Soviet Union, 1916-17.

General Theme:

A story of peace and intense human emotion in the backdrop of a war-ravaged society. Although not a war-ravaged in its true sense, it was a boiling pot of revolution during that time.

Brief Plot:

The main character of the story is Zoya Konstantinova Ossupov, who is a rich Russian countess who leads a easy and luxurious life at St. Petersburg. When the Bolshevik revolution started, her guardians sent her away from Russia. She travelled in Europe and then landed up in the United States, where she found her long-lost peace and settlement.

Plot Revealed:

The countess was related to the CZAR, and anyone, who knows anything about the Bolshevik revolution knows that the it was directed against the rule of CZar in Russia. In the revolution, her mantion is stormed and her brothers are killed. She and her grandmother survives that attack, but is traumatized. The skill of the author is clear in the way the reaction of the grandmother is described, when she sees her dead son. It is poignant and heart-touching.

Zoya flees to Paris, along with her grandmother, pet dog and a servant. The name of the dog is Sava. At Paris, in a ballet, Zoya meets Captain Clayton, they fall in love and marry. She has 2 children in that marriage. Again, a great tragedy befell her, when her husband dies and she is penniless again, and this time, with 2 children to take care of.

Eventually, Zoya opens a store ''Countess Zoya'', and meets another person called Simon. They marry, and Zoya became expectant again. Her 2 children, Nicky and Shasha are young adults now. Then, world war2 breaks out, and Simon dies in that. Heart-broken Zoya realized that she lost a lot of people who were indeed close to her.

I will not detail out the middle, but in the end, Zoya makes a trip to her homeland with Zoe, her granddaughter from Shasha. Her daughter's marriage to an useless husband is dealt with rather sharply.

This is amazing: Zoya left Russia with her grandmother, and now, she has her granddaughter and she is the grandmother.

I urge all to read the book.

Thanks for reading through.