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X-Men Instant Fairness Face Wash Reviews

Worst facewash
May 05, 2018 05:52 PM 1986 Views (via Android App)

This is the worst facewash I have ever used this is not suitable for my skin applying it feels really warm not fresh . this is the product I never want to buy in my life it is just waste of money. one more thing it make the skin dry and a kind of harsh. I connot explain how much I hate this product it is just the worst product

ajmeena119MouthShut Verified Member
Najafgarh India
Only fragrance is good ..!
Jan 02, 2018 11:57 PM 2278 Views (via iOS App)

Hlo friends , today I am shareing you my personal experience . 5 days ago I go to near Aatma ram store to buy some product for home using , so I see a new face wash which name : x-men instant fairness face wash , so without thinking I buy this face wash . so I using this face wash last 5 days , the fragrance of this facewash is ok ok not soo bad . this face wash is not soo expensive but it is not good as I expected .!

Damn... Product!
Nov 04, 2017 08:58 AM 2562 Views (via Android App)

X-men fairness face wash . I used one time. This face wash not. special! Actually my skin type is when I clear my face by this X-Men facewash . after 1 hour My face look very oliy. I feel my face dullness. This facewash product clear your face for sometime and then you feel more uncomfortable , oilness face. After few days I seen on my face some rashes and some acne. So I advised you.that this product not so good for oily skin.


X-Men Instant Fairness Face Wash
Worst facewash
Sep 12, 2017 08:28 AM 2311 Views (via Android App)

I have used it last month because while driving too much dirt is placed on my face so to remove it and for instant fairness I try it but I think that it is not good as compared to other. It is worst of money after using it a few hour later face is come under the condition as it was before the facewash is used. It can not control oil of my face

paramveerraj974MouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
X men
Sep 09, 2017 09:52 AM 2614 Views

It is not worth its money value . I used this face wash because while driving a lot of dirt gets on my face, for instant fairness I decided to used it but it does not worked on my skin the dirt got removed but a lot of other problem started occuring pimples and acne came, it has many harmful chemicls nothing is natural . I stopped using it, and recommend every one else not to use it . It will harm your skin and worsen the condition.

praveen321pkjrMouthShut Verified Member
Dehradun India
Face wash are never be like this
Aug 19, 2017 09:34 PM 2659 Views

I used x men face last week it is wroth face wash I ever used it is like a hand wash very liquid and smell also like hand wash . it just wast of money it make my skin oily and the fragrance is very poor it just got away with water .

I used it for 1 week and then I just through it out in dustbin due to its fragrance and action. the packing of it is good but the product is very poor they have to work on product not on packing .

LizamahmedMouthShut Verified Member
Karwar India
Do not purchase this product
Aug 07, 2017 05:20 PM 2665 Views (via iOS App)

Hello friends this facewash is not good for your skin and it gets rashes and you cannot see your face after using this product this facewash has lot of bad contents in it because of that I had to face many problems with my friends and this facewaah got had harmed effectively on my body and gave me bad look in front of my loving once friends dont spoil your face for such cheap products and these advertising they make are very face nothing natural in it I face lot of burden on my face the face become dark and it ruins so badly that you will not understant what to do so friends I do not reccomend you to buy these types of cheap products

JournalistJoshiMouthShut Verified Member
Vadodara India
X-Men Face Wash instant glow for Men
May 18, 2017 12:20 PM 6482 Views

I would like to share this review specially for the men's who are of field work,

Working executives or Professionals.

Few days ago i went for a shopping and i found this X-Men Face wash i just took it for a trial. And the results were really amazing.

Due to my profession i am always on roaming and hardly get time to take care of myself i mean by my appearance, So i keep on experimenting on new products which give instant results.

I tried this personally and the result is good it has a mint sort of smell and also feels like same when you use it. Its really good if you want to get ready for a meetings or any special occasion with less time in your hand. Just a small drop of this cream give lot of foam.

Smooth and good glow on your skin.

Please Note everyone has a different types of skin, if you are allergic to soap or other ingredients then kindly get consultant by your physician before using it.

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