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Wipro Ltd Reviews

bangalore India
Beware before joining...
Oct 11, 2013 11:11 PM 31237 Views (via Mobile)

Worst respect for guards will be having more powers than employees..they will treat employees as slaves...every day one new hr policy will be implemented..managers are even more manager don't  know English growth is worst...for 15 years also u will be in team lead position...don't join this company...

Hyderabad India
Don't Find Yourself In This Disgusting Squalor
Aug 04, 2013 04:15 AM 28581 Views

Most disgusting and indeed (worst place) ^infinity  in context with work, policies and employee treatment and dignity. Henceforth, I will throw light upon the current vivid picture of slander policies, baseless projections and terrible plight of employees who are working in arduous environment. In is easier of a camel to pass needle's eye than am employee to get subtle hike.

Only vague picture of appraisals, but no substantial hike. Those Who say Wipro has given hike, get your conscience and facts corrected, before enlightening someone else. Those who are actually steering this good for nothing organisation are endowed with 0 pc hike. To be more clear the B1 band people.

Wipro's tag like an embarrassment in itself 'Applying Thoughts', these management idiots, will only apply thoughts, without actually materializing them. Fate of this ill organized organization is sealed, with word 'DOOM". Here, there is no future, only Wasians and beloved Mr. Premji can survive in this onslaught.

Married techies, if you like your kids to thrive, and single techies, if you want to marry your girlfriends, its a statutory warning; Joining Wipro is injurious to health (u know which health I am talking about).

Oh God! Get me out of this squalor.

I Want Azim Premji To Read This Comment!
Jul 31, 2013 08:05 PM 30873 Views

I have been working in wipro for last one and a half year. And my experience with wipro is very bad. Wipro policies are worst compared with other mnc's. I have completed engineering before entering here.

That was my biggest fault. Trust me, if you r an engineer then never ever think to join wipro. Normally wipro don't have enough project to allocate the employees.

I consider every company has 20% bench strength.

But coming to wipro, its almost 50%. I am a project engineer. Completed my training with good marks. Don't have any relocation problem. I am not even bad in technical also.

Still they don't put me into any project. Work culture of wipro is very bad. If you are a project engineer, u have to do fight with the wasians to get a project. Every project manager prefers to take a wasian because they have to give less salary than a project engineer. I was in free pool for last 1.5 year.

Completed some effective training and finally i am moving to other company who will at least give me a scope to work.


My manager is located in different city. I don't have anyone who can guide me in my base location. I asked him to relocate me to his location so that I could discuss my opportunities.

But he said no. He used to say that "u r lucky that ur manager is in India." I don't understand logic behind it.

I have completed my one year with with wipro six month ago still my confirmation haven't closed. I don't understand why the managers don't check their mails.

I have sent at least 25-30 mails, called 20 times. Each times he said "ok I will close it" but still its pending. Still I am getting the same salary when I joined.

I am lucky that at least I have got a good hr manager. But no one cares him. He is the only one who reply my mails and gives good suggestions. But it was of no help.

Finally i have got a decent job. I am resigning.

My advice to all-don't ever think to join wipro. They say about work culture and good policy.

But those are the worst part. They don't care about you. They have wasted my 1.5 year.


Wipro Ltd
Bad recruitment experience
Jul 30, 2013 07:22 PM 28703 Views

Wipro HRs are the worst I have ever come across. Don't fall for them. Work in other better places.

My recruitment experience with them was really bad. Be careful, act smart, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

They might never send you the offer even after clearing the interviews and getting assurances that you will receive the offer.

bangalore India
It has stupid manager
Jul 04, 2013 05:53 AM 26213 Views

I worked at Wipro for 2 years. Review about this company in a very simple line is technically illiterate is what their manager is. They don't know anything technically and showing attitude and harassing the poor who has less experience or those who works hard..

So the conclusion is that: It is worst due to technically illiterate manager.

MUMBAI Australia
Worst employer with worst policies & managers
Jun 21, 2013 10:15 PM 26488 Views

This is a review from an ex-employee. A sincere request is to absolutely stay away from this employer as it has degraded to alarming lows of ethics, employee policies and good faith, below is a summary of some facts:

1.98% managers (Project Managers/Delivery Managers/Program Managers/Practice Managers as they call themselves) are very low on competency, knowledge and worst of all ethics. There are open cases where managers screw up projects and lose customers. 'Team issues', 'problem with resources' are accepted reasons for these issues and screwing up appraisals is very common  in this company, crappy HR personnel who are on contract do not understand anything in these aspects.

2.These manages mind you can stoop to alarming levels, putting false facts in appraisals, changing appraisal info in the backend, falsifying information is very common and rampant.The so-called Ombudsman and integrity is a big joke.

3.Some managers like Vijay Garg, Vikas Rane, Navarasu Ekanathan have been regularly indulging in malpractices, its a not a surprise as the entire rank and file indulges in these practices. These people will not survive in any other company for even a week.

4.Employee exits are so routine that exit interviews are not even arranged, I did not have exit interview.

There are lot of better companies with better people who can enrich their workplaces, this company which was once very good can potentially destroy a very good promising career, stay away.

Wipro is the best industry to work in.
May 28, 2013 01:37 PM 27935 Views

I joined  the Wipro Technologies  in Feb 2011 and worked there for 2.5 years and believe me it is one of the best company I have ever worked with.

Don't believe on scumbags because they were the one who don't want to work and they want only money.

For freshers it will be a golden opportunity to work with Wipro as you will learn the new technologies that the current market is using.

Policies in Wipro are very transparent and you will find so many things in the policy that emphasize on employees growth.

Those who say don't join Wipro they might have just joined it for fun that's why they are throwing such comments on Wipro. For them every company will be a dead's man coffin.

Yes, there are some projects in Wipro where you will find bad mangers but for the this reason you cant decline the offer of Wipro.

Onsite is there in Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad. In Delhi there is no good project to work in.

For me I would rate Wipro 4.5/5.

Beware....Join At Your Own Risk
Apr 23, 2013 09:19 PM 24976 Views

I am working with Wipro since last 2 years and believe me....its the most horrible two years of my professional journey. The story goes like this. Lots of resources quit after work pressure, harrasment and after getting bad appraisal. As a result Wipro face resource crunch in the they go on to recruit mass people on giving good hike.

After landing up in Wipro you realise that you have landed up on wrong platform. You have to search the project on your own, there is no one you can have a word face to face. People who are in Organization for more than 3-4 years are adamant, they just think like they are the King.

Recruitment team, Project managers just want a resource to be billable no matter what his/her skill sets are. This way you ended up in a wrong project. There is one more big hurdle. While getting into any project you have to appear for series of technical interviews. The interviewer thinks that he knows all the things in the world.

After crossing all these obstacles, Once you get into a project, you face the music. There is no knowledge transition, they want the project delivery right from day one. They start shouting at you.

If you are on bench then god only help you in getting project. It is general assumption in Wipro that if a resource is on bench then he is not competent.

For Onsite opportunity there is lots a lots of politics. You have to lick your supervisors dick to get onsite. (Even after that it is not guaranteed).

There is a thing called, technology practice group (TPG). I really wonder what this group does and what it is meant for. They never pass on the knowledge of so called expert people, they never assist you in getting project. Some senior dump, incompetent people are sitting and running (?) the TPG.

One more hurdle in Wipro life - you need to appear for exams called UCF. Its mandatory for everyone based on your role. If you don't cleat it, they stop your increment, ask you to leave.

You really need to very lucky to get good project and colleagues. Overall it was a bull$hit experience working in Wipro. Don't just go by brand name, think twice thrice before accepting Wipro offer. These are words by an experienced Wipro employee, so think over it.

By reading this review if I am able to convince at least 2-3 readers, then I am happy that I have saved 2-3 lives.

All the best!

Bangalore India
From an Ex Wipro Employee
Apr 05, 2013 03:13 PM 20975 Views

I worked at Wipro for 2.5 years and I have mixed feelings about the company. I joined as a campus recruit and for the first few months yes I could say I was in hell too. I was put in a project which expected us to work for 12 hours a day and being just out from college it was terrible for me.

I guess it was the same all through the time I spent there. But Wipro has its advantages well I can say that if you work at Wipro everything else seems to be cake walk in life. You learn to work fast due to the tight timelines they give but that will be help you a lot.

I don't say it is "The company" for freshers but you can gain a lot of working experience since you would be working more than your counterparts some where else. There is always an opportunity to switch. Its only that u should gain experience and move out of there.

Trivandrum, India India
Atleat try to value the opinion of employees.
Mar 08, 2013 03:32 PM 19468 Views

Wipro cares only for the clients .It does not value the opinion of employees.

Salary is pathetic.Even when company is reaping profit, polices of company are still s**king the salary of employees.

Awesome company..... :)
Feb 09, 2013 05:55 AM 21382 Views

Gud company, if u get just join it...........that's all and rock \m/ and roll....feel that ur luckiest........................................................................

Bangalore India
Wipro review 2010-2011
Dec 23, 2012 10:49 AM 18629 Views

I was a part of Wipro technologies from 2010 -2011. Here are few things I wish to share


Good infrastructure compared to other companies for extra curricular activities.

Moderate work pressure.

Onsite Opportunities.


Low salary

For onsite opportunity, you need to get lucky.

Management sucks.

You are treated as a resource and not employees.

Higher level management is so busy that they hardly find time to interact with employees.

Variable pay system sucks as well.

Summary: Stay there if you have onsite opportunities, as Wipro is good in that.

MSBU Wipro Infotech
Dec 17, 2012 07:39 PM 8371 Views

One of the politics going company Microsoft Business Unit-Wipro Infotech waste company useless Business Head, worst burglar Reporting manager and his manager.

they are giving 6000 basic salary and torturing employees mainly reporting manager worst guy he playing with every one.

See usless company there is no place for hard workers only place to show type candidates I went to useless business head and ask for help this guys sent me out worst company.

Politicians need for country not for company thats why that MSBU is in lose

Bangalore India
Wipro chairs
Aug 31, 2012 03:18 PM 13028 Views

The chairs produced by Wipro are the worst ones without neck support. I got admitted to the hospital with severe neck pain after sitting 12 hours a day at work.They don't have common sense to provide support for neck while giving it for IT companies.

Never opt for this product please.

Wipro Throwing Fresher Candidates by Saying.......
Jul 07, 2012 05:03 PM 13312 Views


Wipro Throwing the Fresher Candidates by Saying "Some Mallpractical things Happend In your Off-Campus place".

Yes  . . True.

It is Happend in Banglore, Pune, Hyderabad.Wipro Campuses . .

Even they don't say Reasons(how it is Happend, who did this.) also.

So  .Think Twice or Thrice Before joining into wipro

other wise you may Loss your Colorful life.

Coimbatore India
Please don't join
Jun 26, 2012 11:03 AM 8435 Views

Work environment is worst

Salary is too low

Will not have any professional growth

Majority of people work here are under contract to hire

We will be asked to give our mark-sheet originals

Totally my life has gone/

New Delhi India
Bad HR process in Wipro Infotech Gurgaon office
May 25, 2012 01:46 PM 9058 Views

HR process is ridiculous of Wipro Infotech Gurgaon Office. HR personnals are not professional at all. They are using abusive language with all candidates. I will not suggest anybody to join Wipro Infotech Gurgaon. Especially two HR manager Anuj Vij and Tanubhav are not professional and due to them company's reputation is going down.

Wipro Techologies is good place to join and also their HR process is very good. Please don't recommend anybody to join Wipro infotech.

Chennai, Tamil Nadu India
You are unlucky if you are in wipro
May 17, 2012 10:03 AM 18341 Views

I am also a campus recruit just like you who got placed in 2011 batch, they gave me training in Java , J2EE and Oracle for 3 months and then forced me into accepting support projects. The first time I got a proposal was for a support project which I had refused. After that I was in free pool for nearly 6 months and was searching for any available Development or even testing projects that would require fresher resource. I had informed my HR about this as well. However, with frustration of being in free pool for 6 months , another support project(that too which is of 24/7 nature) had come for proposal and I was forced to accept this. I forgot to mention that I am also an Engineering graduate in IT but yet had to accept with the support project I had got.

There is no proper allocation of resources in projects at Wipro. They provide training in one domain and put you into projects which belong to another domain(particularly those which are of less value ). I learnt one thing from my experience being a fresher you cannot expect Job Satisfaction in Wipro. Ya and as far as salary goes, there is a bad concept known as QPLC where they deduct some portion from your 3 months salary and give it to you on the 4th month package. Moreover, you will receive this amount entirely only during the first 6 months(if you are in free pool i.e. bench) and after that if you still don't get into a project, you wont be receiving that money. As far as for those in the project after 6 months, you will still not get the entire amount that was deducted from your previous month 's salary and will only be getting 75-80% based on the project where you are working.

Life is a hell in Wipro. I would advice other campus recruits to try for other companies and if they are placed in wipro then they would definitely regret their fate.0 hrs 1 min ago

chennai India
Beware joining wipro!
Mar 31, 2012 04:09 PM 12898 Views

Please join wipro only if you don't get job anywhere in this world and your livelihood is challenged. Mostly you won't get your variable pay. Variable pay linked to your account where you are working. You can get only if your project is profitable otherwise strict No No.

More than 75% of the project not getting variable pay and only a few accounts getting 100% or more. It is absolutely cost saving measure. Even though you work hard and your account is not performing well l then you will get Rs. 0 as your quarterly variable pay. I am victim of this formula and I got Rs.0 for my Q3. I don't have any control on revenue, but still I have to loose my variable pay is completely not acceptable.

Mostly 10+ years of exp people, please don't join wipro. You won't be getting suitable role, they will expect you to do coding/code review/team lead only. If you join in project management stream then you can get some PM role. But, if you join technical stream, pls don't join wipro.

Training is very poor. Even if you have some issues in your current company, then also don't join wipro.

I will be quitting asap. I have written actual fact, it is your call to join wipro.

bangalore India
Don't Join Wipro
Jan 07, 2012 01:55 PM 22958 Views

I am in wipro. Joined as a campus recruit in dec 2007. It has been 4+ years with wipro.

I am sick of this company. Wipro talks about integrity. blah.blah… but it has no heart and mind!

My journey so far

I have cmplted my trng in bnglr and posted to hyd which is my preference atleat I am lucky here.

One of my batchmate is posted to hyd where her hubie is working in bnglr. Wiprio HR that asshole wants her to go hyd for project reqr. WHAT? I knw! Being bnglr having many prjcts.

Atleat she resigned wipro as soon she completed trng paying back 75K to wipro!

Coming to me. I am placed in support prjct as shadow support. How can resource be a shadow support for 7 months. If no reqr then employee should not be placed in a prjct. Well I am there.

I worked for one year in that prjct…

As a rookie I replaced a lead 4+ years.but got ME in appraisal. Hahahaha.::D there was recission time in 2008 year end… Myself & others are released as part of ramp down, well the concept is LAST IN FIRST OUT in that prjct. Jan 2009 I am in free pool.

For one month I left ofc with frustration and went to my home in apr. Ghosh… no one noticed. I gave my swipe card to my batchmates. That’s how wipro works. You can understand no one will be there to tc of free pool resources.

Then I am placed in Oracle COE prjct and trained in BPEL. no trnf! Self trng. if any doubts ask exp person. It was for 2 months. may & Jun. later Oracle interviewed us and said they need 5+ years exp guys in the same domain. again we became fools. So totally 6 months in FREE POOL.

FINALLY they placed us in central free pool similar to fish market. Bpo or ant domain can take the resource. Since my first prjct was maintamance prjct I am placed no where.

we decided to search a prjct ourself . I have no hope on resource manager. Mean while, my frnd got a call from HR & resource head. They asked her to resign form job and will pay back one month salry other wise they can put her name in black list. She decided to quit and had no way.

Myself & frnds became alert with this. We started searching prjct thr wings with in. finnaly we were able to clear to PLSQL interview . telephonic. Can you imagine a Oracle apps finance tech resource going to PLSQL support prjct.

Later after two days I got a cal from HR & RM. Well I know what gonna happen. OS I prepared. The same thing happened to me. But I tried convinced then I cleared a prjct interview. I mail you the confirmation mail. I still remember HR being silent in the meeting. so called USHA Dantu. That RM said” think from cmp perspective. Will you pay a emp if there r no prhjcts. 6 mnths in free pool paying salary”. I told him “ BOSS! It’s ur job to get prjcts and take care of employee. anyway now I hv a pjct in bnglr. I am going there and don’t wry. Ll mail u the confirmation.” The moment I got up from my seat, tears rolled from my eyes. helpless feeling.

Then I came to bnglr. I worked on some reports which got 7/7 rating form client. Managers are so happy. But not me. In Dec, I told them. I want to go back to HYD and will work from there. This prjct is also in HYD. My manager said, you r new to bnglr. stay for 3 more months and ll see.

After 2 months, my lead has put on papers. And they replaced me( 2 yrs exp) with 5 years guy.

I didn’t denied. I took it as an challenge and did hard work.

Later the prjcyt peoples raised for H1B in apr 2009. I was so happy. But couldn’t believe it’s just to retain the employee. My 2+ years in this prjct was happy. I met some gr8 persons whom I worked. walked out of prjct and wipro. I know it’s bcos of my PM. His attidude. GOD! He has 15yrs expr stil in PM position. He has became a prfssor in mngmt

For the past one year, my reporting manager, DM, PM has four times promised me onsite. It’s gone toss. Nothing is happening. Neither they r ready to relase the resources nor they do have a carreer plan for an employee.

I was not happy with no clarity in my role. It not easy actly to be betrayed.

Again one month back higher mngt wanted me to replace one more person and said we believe you can handle it. I Told them see boss. there lot of scope in future in that area. Dnt look for costy costing. I have no knowledge on that area. Pls pls take one more resource.

But they have given me a 3 months guys WASIANM having no knowledge on that idea… three weeks back PM came and tole me to get ready for onsite position. Actly there’s my frnd in onsite who wants to cme back but mangmt is not approving. So they waiting him to put papers and send me there.

Finally decided to quit wipro I am sick of these nataks. yesterday I have put on papers saying I am going back home. bye bye. actly I hv an offer good profile and salary. I didn't tell you know wipro salary sucks. your exp and sal will be same. I am 4 years . my sal is 4.1!

PLS… Pls advice campus recruits not to join this bullsh!t company wipro. I am lead, monotonous, haing valid H1 visa. Still I want to quit this cmpy. I don't want to waste one day also here.


Bye excuse me for typo errors.


Wipro Ltd

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