I had purchasedWhilrlpool FF 330L 3 door fridge on 16.10.20217
Now it is out of order, no cooling.
Last month we had lodged complaint 8039504667 3.08.2020 with Reliance Digital
Your technician attended the complaint after but it was wrongly reported as gas leakage, technician filled gas and replaced few parts and collected Rs.3000/- by cash
Immediately after2 days again it is not working, no cooling, technician they sent could not analyse the problem
Yesterday again your technician attended and now it is reported that there is internal leakage in the freezer
We are not clear how your technician could not find out exact issue and charged wrongly to us.
Now again they are saying it will cost Rs.1900/- for replacement/repair of freezer
How freezer can wrong so soon? It shows bad quality product from whirlpool
I have reported complaint to your call center team on 1800 889 1044 and asked them to re open the call and send technician but call was not at all registered or old call was not registered!?
Again I called to your toll free no next day morning at 12, lady who had received the call colteced all details and disconnected call without loging call!
I had called once again to your toll free no and asked them to relog the call, but still now I dint got any confirmation of call recorded. Reliance digital sold fridge but their customer support is worst, after that I had sent multiple mails to reliance digital but no resolution till Today 13.09.20
Please look in to the problem we have faced and arrange to replace the freezer required parts and also to reimburse already collected amount due to mistake from whilrpool technician
Whirl pool authorised service centre s s Technolgies, nanthoor mangalore was assigned the call but issue still not resolved
Very bad experience with Reliance digital and whirlpool product
I hope they will do the needful immediately and also improve after sales service support
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.