Now you guys know I like to shop online and so I was out looking around and decided that I would give Wal Greens a try. I suppose that I am glad that I did. I know that sometimes when I am shopping in one of the stores I come across a good deal or two, and if I don’t want to drive all the way to (Wal Mart) Wal Greens will do. So why not the online version!
The Online Store
When you first come onto the site you will find a homepage done mostly in blues and black on a white background. Across the top you will find links to: Home, Pharmacy, Store Online, Health Library, Our Company, Your Account, Login and Help. You will also find a “Store Locator” which is always helpful when traveling and you think you may need a Wal Greens store. And of course, checkout, contact us and neighborhood specials.
You will also find a link that will take you to a “Wide selection of medical nutrition products.” Now this link will take you to a whole new world! Here you can learn all about different medical needs, nutrition, surgeries, children’s health and various other medical concerns. I really enjoyed this page a lot! Be sure and check it out when you go to the Wal Greens online store.
Back at the homepage you will find in the direct middle of the page various items on sale. From time to time you will find “online coupons” for different items that you can use at checkout time. They also offer a direct link to online specials in which you will find different specials for the day, week or month. So be sure to look there before you buy, you may find a coupon for something you need!
You can visit the pharmacy, refill your scripts, and visit the Mayo Clinic. They sometimes offer free shipping as well!
Registering is easy and you can have your information saved for use later on. Easy sign in procedures too! The search engine is very helpful. You can type in any word and you will be taken to that information if available.
Mayo Clinic
While you are visiting the Mayo Clinic you can find out about: Today in Health, Question of the Day, Ask a Pharmacist, Find Drug info and prices, Family and Life centers, Working life center, First Aid facts. You can even test your health I.Q!
You can view information about immunization for your children where you can type in the age of each child and you will be guided accordingly. This is really great for new Mother’s and for us older Mother’s who started over again! Not to mention us new Grandmother’s! You know that daughter is going to call you about shots, so get brushed up on the order!
There is a lot of great, helpful info on this part of Wal Greens! The Mayo Clinic also offers a search engine for your use.
Store Online
(Store online is different from Online Store above)
This link will take you directly to the Wal Greens online store where you can select from a large variety of items to purchase or to just look around. You can choose from: Baby, Beauty, Camera/Film, Electronics, Food, Health, Household, Personal, School/Office, and Vitamins/Nutrition. And each link will take you to that part of the store where you can shop till you drop!
You can also check out all their “Free After Mail Rebate Offers” which is really cool. These items do change so you will have to jump on them quickly if you’re interested.
You can also compare and save! I was looking for some things for my household, and thus clicked the household link. I was really surprised to find a whole bunch of other links that gave me a lot of options! For instance, there was cleaning supplies to choose from, paper and plastic items, hardware and auto, pesticides, pet needs, home accessories, kitchen and toys. I did not expect to find all of these items. Shoot I was like a kid in a toy store! And it was like being in the store in person!
Now I like to always look at gadgets for the kitchen. They had a link that offered me a variety of gadgets. Seven pages in fact! And they offer a drop down menu where you can choose a company name and have just their items brought up for your viewing pleasure. Isn’t that just neat!
There are all sorts of things to choose from. And you can spend a long time looking around the Wal Greens Store Online. And don’t forget about clicking “Online Specials” because here you will find a list of all the items you can purchase that are on sale through the website. You will find this list categorized by department, then you are told how many items are on sale, you then click the link of interest and you will be taken down the page to see all the items. Really cool!
Contact Info
When you click the link for contact information you will be given several options to choose from, such as: Frequently Asked Questions, Wal Greens Website, Store/Pharmacy Inquiries, or Corporate Departments. Since this is a review about the online store here is the info for webite info.
For immediate help you can call: 1-877-250-5823
or you can use the online comment form.
But if you have questions for the Corporate Offices you can write or call:
Wal Greens 200 Wilmot Road
Deerfield, IL 60015
(847) 914-2500
You will also find various other numbers and address under the Corp link. Be sure you understand the shipping and handling. Remember it’s free with a $50.00 or more purchase. The s/h was 4.95 for my 16.00 order.
How I Feel
I liked this online store a lot! I was able to get around quickly and with no load problems. They had what I was looking for and I was able to have it shipped to my Grandson who now lives far away in Texas! He got his goodies from Grandmother within a week.
I like being able to find out about health issues and diet and eating right. I also like being able to choose from so many choices! I really enjoyed being able to go the Mayo Clinic. There is a lot of very helpful information there!
And the search engine was great!
Customer service was friendly and helpful. At least I found them to be! And the fact that I can shop at home is always a plus for me. Being disabled, this online shopping is much better for me sometimes. But don’t get me wrong, when I can go out to shop I do that as well. I just have to have someone with me most of the time. You know spacing out while driving is not recommended…Lol.
Overall though Wal Greens online is a wonderful experience. It’s another place that one can go and spend a lot of time looking around and not buying a thing! Or you can shop till you drop and then some!
So if you need a place to shop or get health information consider for all your healthcare needs, questions and concerns.
I hope that this has helped in some kind of way.
God Bless!
©LKD 2002
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