The VTP group is worst group in the field of real estate, build on foundation of lies, falsehood, cheat and no care for customer. my fellow buyersplease keep away from them.
See my experience and if already trapped beware of following:
First of their sales people give you false promises on possession of flat, i participated their VTP blue water launch and was told that possession would be by Jan 2021 but during agreement signing itself, within 2 months of booking amount paid I was told possession will be in 2024 and when I told to cancel it..they did agree to return full amount.
Due to my medical issue I told them, I wil pay some amount in lumpsum while paying against demand due, they agreed on phone and email but at the time of possession, now they say produce documents which I did, then started asking me tell us the amount spent and then give letter from hospital about spending done..
I produced all but even after 30 days, I am still in pain. Their team is so bad and rude not responding on time.
- Very bad customer care :
My emails going unanswered, phone call not picked up, messages not been replied.
They. Make you suffer like you are a at their mercy..
I will share all snapshots of mesage, how they don't respond in call , you can see dus nt connect paet, also see the messages not being answered.
With all this I am having a feeling, surely they also may cheating in quality of work too..a supplier who don't care for customer, they will surely do cheating on the work quality too..I am not sure on this but I am presuming. But there are are better builders who give you good experience, go with them but keep away from VTP
Flat No 1506, Building D1.
Project Name :- VTP BEL AIR B&D.

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.