Vicks Vaporub we are using it from our childhood its one the of the favorite product of the indians.Vicks vaporub is in every house of India.we use it in cold & cough.Its coooling effects makes us to like it.It is very Effective in cold and cough But wait.It is Banned in America and Europe.yes you heard Right.but there is a confusion it is banned or not.but 1 thing is sure that it is not good for heath of small baby under 2 years.
For 2 Years Baby
It is Not good for babies it can create severe breathing problems to small baby.parents are warned against using Vaporub for cold and coughs symptoms in children under the age of 2 years.If Vicks Applied directly Under the nose can lead to breathing problems for babies.
Any Menthol and Camphor based product like Vicks Vaporub is Toxic and can be harmful for babie's Respiratory system.Vicks vaporub is not meant for Children under the age of 2 years.and it can create Congestion.Vicks company clearly mentioned the warning that keep it out of children's Reach and not to use it on children below the age of 2.
Vaporub should Apply On chest and throat for cold and is oil based, so it should not use under the nose or inside the can enter into the lungs if not used properly.
For Adults
Vicks Vaporub should Rubbed on chest, throat and back and also used it in a warm water i.e. Steam inahlation.It is Not Recommended putting Vicks under the nose of anyone i.e. Adult or child.Avoid getting vicks in contact with eyes and mouth.wash the hands properly and do not apply vicks on the broken skin.
The best treatment for congestion is take a saline water or soup or warm water.
The Truth is Vicks is not banned in America or by WHO.we can use it but as per the Instructions.specially for babies.If any breathing problems occur go & consult a doctor.
asap.hope my review will be helpful for you guyss.what you feel about this product share in my comment section.thank you
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