2017 batch.
No matter what, management was always right. Wanna get anything at any office done? Wait 8 hours for the person to show up. 1 day for them to process. Then you have to come to pass it to the next office. 1 day to pass it to another person. 1 day for that person to do it. 1 day for passing it to someone again. 8 hours because they weren't in their place. And so on. Anything at all you need can take a minimum of a week. Even getting a simple certificate which should be just a sign and pick thing.
Know Telugu? This is your place! Talk Telugu and you'll be treated better than anyone. Don't know Telugu? Be prepared to listen to them assume you don't understand the language and make fun of you to your face.
No phones. People who got caught paid a 2000 fine for it.
Everything is a battle. Everything needs you to wait in a room for hours on end to meet some guy, who will say no and you need to plead for what you need even if you're right. Be prepared for endless pleading everywhere. Even with assignments. Your self-esteem? Your self-respect? Phooey. Forget that they exist.
We were only allowed to get placed in one company. Result? The company backed out after a year of waiting, and I had to start job hunting. I wanted a decent salary, around 20k. So it's been 2 years. I got a job very recently, after attending a million interviews.
There's a whole lot of things I could say, but the list would be endless.
The hostels are the best, I have no complaints, only praises. Teachers? Pretty nice people. Facilities.. just about average. Workshops, festivities, events, conferences, symposiums - so rare that Gordon Ramsay would agree. Projects and innovation support - IMPRESSIVE stuff. Library - Survival of the fittest. Limited copies, run before they run out. ATM on campus, cafeteria is okay.
Placement training - flawless.
Location - extremely hot area, public transport is limited, recently turned semi-urban, development is less. The mood of the place - used to be very solemn, seems a little cheerful these days.
After we left, there was a riot and the management has started listening to students. Things are changing. Maybe it's better. It took a riot to bring about this change. But my experience was terrible. I would not recommend at all, but if you won't listen, I hope at least your experience is better.
Good luck and cheers.
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